


Our house was originally built by the Huguenots, French Protestants mainly from northern France, who fled due to religious persecution. According to the book Friedrichstal Geschichte einer Hugenotten-Gemeinde (History of a Huguenot Community), by Oskar Hornung, our house was built around 1715.

The way it used to be.


The original Huguenot houses were built based on a colonial model. The generally consisted of 2 rooms (Zimmer), 2 smaller chamber rooms (Kammer) and a kitchen (Küche).

Our House

From about 1775 until about 1815 the house was used as a Lutheran schoolhouse. In 1808 the house was renovated, due to "the poor condition of this schoolhouse, which had existed for a considerable number of years" (Hornung). By February of 1816 the house was sold and the village was using another house for the school. During part of the 1800's and early 1900's the house belonged to the Körber family.